Abstract Art As Therapy

Abstract Art As Therapy

Abstract art is not just a mixture of colourful meaningless patterns and arbitrary shapes. There is, I believe, a definate therapeutic value to be found in most of the enigmatic marks made by the very differ...
Being True To Your Art

Being True To Your Art

My name is Jeffrey Michael Miller and I'm a Publishamerica poet with a new book out entitled " From The Inside Out ". This article deals with a most important subject in my view and that subject is how to be t...

What Makes Art Valuable?

I read an amazing article by Grayson Perry entitled "How art appreciates - it's a class act". In a nutshell he reckoned that art finds its true monetary value from what the experts say. But I can see something more from what he says. If a piece of art is to...

Unconventional Hobbies to Ignite Your Passion

Ladies and gentlemen, it's time to put down the remote and pick up a new hobby that will not only enrich your life but also add some pizzazz to your daily routine. From the traditional to the avant-garde, we've...