Explore. Experience. Enjoy: The Magic of Travel

it's time to start thinking about your next travel destination. It's easy to get caught up in the daily grind and put off travel plans, but the truth is that traveling can be one of the most fulfilling and tran...

Organic: Go slow before it’s too late!

  You know that metaphor, slow and steady wins the race? Well it turns out it’s true, at least for our bodies anyway. Everyone wants to slow down the ageing process, society has a way of making all o...

Brewed for Wellness: Coffee’s Mind and Body Perks

It's time to give credit where credit is due. That second cup of coffee may seem like a lavish indulgence, but the benefits it provides for our health are worth every penny. In fact, did you know that coffee has been scientifically proven to have some truly re...

3 Mindset Hacks for Unstoppable Workout Motivation

By Andy Anderson, CEO of Ultimate You   Your body, as Anthony Robbins has said, “Is the only place you have to live so take good care of it.”  But do you?  Most of us don’t.   In fact, the first t...

Oenoliterate: Demystifying 5 Wine Terms

Indulging in a glass of fine wine is not just a beverage choice, it's a lifestyle. But as with any language, understanding the jargon is crucial in mastering the art of wine. And let's face it, my darlings, som...

The Slow Traveler’s Guide to Amsterdam

Amsterdam is a city that's full of surprises, from its winding canals to its historic architecture. But for those seeking a slower, more intimate experience of the city, there are plenty of hidden gems to explo...

Beyond the Wall: Berlin’s Eclectic Cultural Scene

Berlin is a city of contrasts, where the old and the new, the conventional and the unconventional, merge seamlessly. From its vibrant street art to its world-class orchestras, Berlin offers visitors an eclectic...

Top Ten Small Luxury Hotels in the World

When you think of luxury hotels, lavish and huge palaces are what would strike your mind. However, do you believe that small things can be as beautiful and inviting as the large ones? Here are small luxury hotels that look amazing and would fall within your bu...

Top Seven Summer Vacation Destinations

A lot of people love to travel around the world during warm summers. It is one of the finest times, when you can explore through different corners of the planet. Of course, the destination you choose will depen...