Retro Warm-Weather Fashion Picks

Break open the Campari, pop on your denim shorties, and start spinning some vinyl because the warm weather is here! We’ve compiled our favourite retro summer fashion brands so you can have a bit of a peruse aro...

Six Movie Characters to Take Fashion Inspiration From

Marty McFly -  Back to the Future This guy nailed the streetwear trend before it even was one. He paired a puffer jacket with nike kicks and wasn’t afraid to layer. Switch his outfit up with some millennial ...

It’s Time To Own Your Fashion Faux Pas

When I was 11-years-old my Mum enrolled me in a girl’s deportment course over the school holidays. Over the three day course my peers and I learnt to walk with our shoulders back, to delicately apply blush and brown mascara, and discovered what our personal co...

Bobs And Short Haircuts

Bobs and short haircuts for women made their debut in the 1920s and were greeted with raised eyebrows and allegations of scandal. Since then, bobs and short haircuts for women have become permanent fashion fixt...

5 Brands Reinventing the Cocktail Dress

When it comes to fashion, the cocktail dress is an iconic staple that has stood the test of time. It's a garment that exudes glamour, femininity, and sophistication, and has become a go-to choice for women for ...

Accessorizing Your Leather: Great ideas to brighten your look!

Leather has been a textile in favor all over the world for thousands of years.  It at has been used in innumerable countries to make luggage, clothing, shoes, handbags, and other products as different cultures have seen fit.  The Indians used it for their clot...

Handbag Harmony: Matching Your Figure with the Perfect Accessory

Believe it or not trying on a purse is just as important as trying on clothes. Even though a purse is just an accessory, wearing the wrong style, size or shape can really ruin your look. The part of the body that the handbag rests on will be the part of the bo...

Color, You and Your Wardrobe

When you are sewing for yourself, selecting fabric is very important and selecting the colors to suit you is even more so. Not all of us can afford to have our colors done, but you can experiment with this. ...